On the 8th of March, 2012, the Lactation and Breastfeeding Consultants Association was established in Lithuania, with the purpose of bringing together everyone, who is interested in women lactation and breastfeeding, aiming to solve problems together, implement programs that support and promote breastfeeding, ensure that members of the Association have the opportunity to get quality information about breastfeeding and lactation based on scientific and practical data, and ensure that members are able to renew their knowledge regularly, while improving their counselling skills and sharing their experience among each other.

Association unites international lactation consultants accredited by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBCLCs), health care specialists (doctors, nurses), representatives of other professions, and members of the society, who promote and support breastfeeding and the right to breastfeed.

The main goal of the Association is to protect and improve the health of newborns, infants, kids and their mothers by promoting breastfeeding and by aiming for quality, scientific evidence-based health care, breastfeeding and lactation counselling for pregnant or breastfeeding women and their family members.


  • Association organizes further training for members (for improving qualification): conferences, seminars;
  • Prepares and distributes scientific evidence-based theoretical and practical literature: articles, books, methodological materials;
  • Seeks to validate the professional qualification of breastfeeding and lactation consulting in Lithuania;
  • Aims to standardize terms and conditions of WHO/UNICEF programs “Baby-friendly Hospital” and “Mom and Baby Friendly Community Initiative” in the health care sector of Lithuania, and help health care institutions to implement these programs;
  • Monitors the implementation of WHO/UNICEF international breastmilk substitutes Code of marketing in Lithuania, collects data on Code violation cases and seeks to validate the Code in Lithuania;
  • Participates in the formation and implementation of State health care policy, which supports and promotes breastfeeding;
  • Promotes scientific development of lactation and breastfeeding in Lithuania;
  • Represents International Board Certified Lactation Consultants in Lithuania and foreign countries;
  • Provides members of Association and other individuals working in the field of mother and infant health improvement with scientific, methodical assistance, provides help in the preparation for the International Lactation and Breastfeeding Consultant (IBCLC) exam.

We invite health care specialists and those, who are interested in lactation and breastfeeding, to become members of the Association. With our collaboration and efforts, we can reach more in improving the health of mothers and their children.